1. To conduct the CAP Programme in its following four (4) components:-

I.Vacation Programme

II.Behaviour Modification

III.After School Support for Students and Parents

IV.Parenting Programme


  1. To cater for students of primary school age:-

a) Who are low academic achievers

b) Whose parents are low income earners or unemployed

c) Who have behavioural problems

d) Who have low self-esteem

  1. To teach parenting and other soft skills to parents of students in the CAP to better enable them to give support to their children


Contact Information

Permanent Secretary
Mrs. Merissa Finch-Burke 
Location: Halifax street
Tel : (PBX) :(784) 456-1111, Ext : 3863
E-mail: mobililsation1@hotmail.com /office.mobilisation@gov.vc


The Ministry of National Mobilisation, Social Development, Gender Affairs and Persons with Disabilities

Halifax Street Kingstown St. Vincent

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:15 pm
Saturday - Sunday