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View Speech by Minister Stephenson 2019
Our mission is to facilitate social, cultural and economic development at the community level.
Our mission is to promote sustainable economic development by engineering and regulating a vibrant co-operative sector in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Our mission is to provide persistently, effective programmes and efficient services aimed at advocating equity in family relations, fostering the Rights of the Child, persons with disabilities, the elderly and enhancing the socio-economic development of all family members.
Our mission is to ensure that all citizens of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines have equal access to opportunities that will shape their social, cultural, spiritual, educational, economical and political development.
Our mission is to provide a caring environment in which boys 7 – 16 years old having familial, educational, social, emotional, and or behavioural difficulties can develop skills that would allow them to become responsible and productive citizens.


Hon. Keisal Peters

The Ministry of National Mobilisation has as part of its portfolio; the Youth Affairs Division.  Through this Division, the Ministry launched out a Youth in Agriculture Pilot programme in the Overland Community.


The group which was formed carries the name “the Overland Progressive Youth Group” (OPYG). It was formed on the 10th of February, 2018.  This group catered to Youth, in and out of school ages from 15-30 years; at the moment there are 17 youths involved under the supervision of Assistant Youth Officer, Ms. Antoinette Duncan.  The programme utilizes the Cooperative model and is being assisted by the Cooperative Division within the Ministry.  The objectives of this programme are as follows:

a) To choose Agriculture as a viable means of employment.
b) To provide hands on experience to Youth in Agriculture.
c) To create awareness of the different careers in Agriculture.
d) To teach Youth the importance of Agriculture as a viable economic choice for sustainable National Development.

Permission was granted to use the Overland Government school lands for cultivation. Land preparation commenced on the 16th of March, 2018, under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture and planting of crops (broad leaf thyme and hot peppers) was done on the 13th of April and the 12th of June, 2018, respectively.  Negotiation ensued and Vincy Fresh is providing the market for these produce. Three months after planting the crops, on the 30th of July, 2018, the group harvested their first crop of broad leaf thyme with a total of 15 sacks (688)lbs and on the 10th of September, 2018, they sold their first crop of hot peppers with a total of (20)lbs. The group has subsequently opened an account at the GECCU. Presently the group has sold over 2,000lbs broad leaf thyme and 180lbs hot peppers which accumulated income of over 2,000.00 dollars.

Last Monday 10th December, the group took a decision that they would show gratitude to the Overland Government School, for allowing them to use the school’s land, the group contributed books, toys and food supplies to the school. This handing over was done at the school’s compound in the presence of students, teachers and some members of the group. The President, Ms. Sophia Byron, PRO, Mr. Jerrol Byron and Mr. Akex Phillips did the handing over to the Deputy Principal, Ms. Ingrid Charles.

SOURCRE: SOURCE: Ministry of National Mobilisation, Social Development, Family, Gender Affairs, Persons with Disability and Youth

Family Services Division

We Facilitate and identify alternative homes for abused children and the elderly.  Liaise with child care agencies, regional and International. Prepare social inquiry report for the Court and relevant international agencies.

Our Division is located in Pauls Avenue in the Co-operative Credit Union League Building. Find out more on what we offer

Contact Information

Permanent Secretary
Mrs. Merissa Finch-Burke 
Location: Halifax street
Tel : (PBX) :(784) 456-1111, Ext : 3863
E-mail: /


The Ministry of National Mobilisation, Social Development, Gender Affairs and Persons with Disabilities

Halifax Street Kingstown St. Vincent

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:15 pm
Saturday - Sunday