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View Speech by Minister Stephenson 2019
Our mission is to facilitate social, cultural and economic development at the community level.
Our mission is to promote sustainable economic development by engineering and regulating a vibrant co-operative sector in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Our mission is to provide persistently, effective programmes and efficient services aimed at advocating equity in family relations, fostering the Rights of the Child, persons with disabilities, the elderly and enhancing the socio-economic development of all family members.
Our mission is to ensure that all citizens of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines have equal access to opportunities that will shape their social, cultural, spiritual, educational, economical and political development.
Our mission is to provide a caring environment in which boys 7 – 16 years old having familial, educational, social, emotional, and or behavioural difficulties can develop skills that would allow them to become responsible and productive citizens.


Hon. Keisal Peters

Home-Care Providers here in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines will soon be able to branch out to offer their services within CARICOM. This comes as Government continues to seek out lucrative opportunities for citizens.

 Minister of National Mobilization, Social Development, Family, Gender Affairs, Persons with Disabilities and Youth, the Hon. Frederick Stephenson, made the disclosure on Monday, May 28th, while addressing the opening of a two-week workshop to train another cohort of home help providers.

Minister Stephenson told the trainees that his Ministry has entered into discussions with the Ministry of Education to have the training certified under the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Programme. With that certificate he said, “Recipients can leave Saint Vincent and the Grenadines with competent certificates and go anywhere in the Region and get a job as a Home Care Provider”.

Approximately thirty-six persons from across the country started the two-week Home Help for the Elderly Training Course on Monday, 28th May. Permanent Secretary, Nerissa Gittens-McMillan, charged the trainees to be mindful to treat the elderly with the dignity and respect they deserve for the contributions they have made to the society. Retired civil servant, Mrs. Sandra Davis, reiterated this call, pointing out to the trainees that they must first love themselves in order to administer loving care to the elderly.

The two-week training, which is being administered by Consultant Sylvia Gould, will be done in both theory and practical with a five hour clinical attachment to private and public nursing homes. Topics to be covered include, Introduction to Care giving, Aging Dynamics, Common Health Issues that affect the Elderly, Safety, First Aid and CPR among others.



Family Services Division

We Facilitate and identify alternative homes for abused children and the elderly.  Liaise with child care agencies, regional and International. Prepare social inquiry report for the Court and relevant international agencies.

Our Division is located in Pauls Avenue in the Co-operative Credit Union League Building. Find out more on what we offer

Contact Information

Permanent Secretary
Mrs. Merissa Finch-Burke 
Location: Halifax street
Tel : (PBX) :(784) 456-1111, Ext : 3863
E-mail: /


The Ministry of National Mobilisation, Social Development, Gender Affairs and Persons with Disabilities

Halifax Street Kingstown St. Vincent

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:15 pm
Saturday - Sunday